Friday 7 December 2012

Teach-In Session of the Social Impact Assessment (SIA) Manual

Date: 3 December 2012
Venue: Grand Seasons Hotel, Kuala Lumpur

This manual is the result of a collaboration between the Malaysian Association of Social Impact Assessment and the Federal Department of Town and Country Planning, K.L. It is very important that SIA is carried out for development projects that have an impact on the residents of the locality. There are cases where big projects have started construction without carrying out an SIA thus causing a public outcry because it has caused a lot of hardship to residents. Private landowners are angry because they were not consulted, neighbouring homeowners and businessess are also affected. This is the case of the MRT project from Sg. Buloh to Kajang where the line will pass through very near to existing residential area. The developer did not carry out an SIA study and now the residents are hauling the developer to court. 

It has been the practice that the capitalist interests were given priority over the interest of the community. In the name of development traditional villages of Malays and Orang Asli were destroyed and people who had lived for many generations on that place are displaced and relocated. Well, sometimes its a matter of who has the power. It can be money power or military power. As in the case of the State of Israel, its their bombs, rockets, tanks and machine guns that have exterminated many Palestinians and razed down hundreds of years old Palestianian towns and villages. And in many capitalist countries its either the political power and/or money power that come first. 

In urban areas, any undeveloped areas and old villages are potential areas for development. Huge, tall shopping complexes, office blocks, condominiums and the like will be taking over these areas. Developers are always looking out for any money making opportunities and then more and more money. They are greedy; their apetite for construction of more concrete jungle is insatiable. In Penang, many old kampongs are diminishing rapidly and the ones that are still standing have been eyed for new projects.

SIA is a tool that is necessary to minimize the discomfort and stress of the existing residents. Even if the residents were to be relocated, the voice of the people must be heard. The affected residents must be given the opportunity to give their views and opinions. 

The following photos were taken during the teach-in session and this session was officiated by the Deputy Director General (Planning) of the Federal Town and Country Planning Department, Mr. Kamalruddin Shamsudin (He is also the President of MASIA). And one of the speakers is Dr. Dahlia Rosly who is also the Deputy Director General (Development) of the same Dept.(The good doctor is also the Vice President of MASIA). 

In pursuit of the capitalistic dreams one must never brush aside the needs and comfort of the existing residents.

Tuesday 4 December 2012



In a modern Malay society, the adult children are encouraged to find their own choice of partners. Although this practice is the norm, there also families who would arrange their adult children's marriage BUT with the consent of these individuals. When these two people agree that they should get married then the boy will send a group of people normally their parents and elderly relatives to `meminang' (asking the permission  for the 'hand of the girl' in marriage). They will be greeted by the girl's side also the parents or the elderly relatives.

BUT nowadays this process is cut short when the parents will give their consent without the 'meminang' and go straight to the 'bertunang' (engagement) ceremony. After being engaged for an agreed period of time the couple go through the NIKAH (solemnization) ceremony.


The bride is my niece, the second daughter of my older sister. This is the moment when the bride's heart will beat a little quicker (if that's possible). The bride is waiting for the Pak Imam to solemnize the akad nikah whereby the bridegroom will verbally accept to marry the bride. Sometimes the bride's father will carry out this ritual but in this case my brother in-law agree to let the Imam do this job. There are also two official witness whose job are to confirm the that verbal exchanges between the Imam and the bridegroom are clear and confirmed the verbal acceptance of the marriage had taken place. This is serious business because the names of the witnesses will be recorded in the Department of Islamic Affair's registry along with the other important informations. 

Only close family members and relatives of both parties will attend this ceremony. This is the day that will turn a single girl into a wife. A daughter into a daughter in-law. And two families becoming one. In Asian cultures, marriage is not only a union between two individuals but a union of two families. 

Different states in Malaysia have a slightly different protocol after the nikah ceremony. Since the wedding is in Johor therefore the protocol calls for the parents of the bride to verbally declare to the new son in-law the handing over of the responsibility of nuturing, caring and protecting their daughter over to him. This episode can be quite emotional for many. Especially when the mother of the bride read the script of how she had taken care of her daughter all her life, having taught her and nurtured her, and now she is telling her daughter to be a good wife to her new husband. And of course, more sniffles can be heard.  

Finally came the handing over of the dowry money, the presents and gifts to the bride. Normally the man will carefully put a ring on the bride's finger but Hana, my niece wanted a bracelet instead. All this while, the Imam played the role of a director where he instructed what to do next. AND we all agree that this particular Imam is very enthusiastic about his work. 

Although they are officially husband and wife, it is the custom that after the nikah the man willl go back with his family (which is actually quite unfair to the guy, after he has spent so much to marry the love of his life) to the hotel or house. But usually after the nikah the guy will be so relieved that he has done such a good job that he is happy to take a break and wait until the bersanding which usually take place the next day.


The bersanding ceremony was carried out the next day. Since early morning family members, close friends, assistants, food caterer, waiters are busy with their assigned work. And whoever is around without any assignments must also look busy. The rented hall had already been decorated and set up wonderfully. 

When the groom and his delegates arrived they were greeted by the kompang and the silat expert. This is to honour the bridegroom who is considered a raja or king for the day.

The pengantin (bride and bridegroom) sat nicely on the pelamin for all to see. This is the highlight of any wedding ceremony. Guests from far and wide, some travelled hundreds of miles to come and see this beautiful view of the pengantin. People will be commenting on the colour, the flowers, the beautiful bride, the handsome groom, the delicious food and so on and so forth. This is the time when relatives get together and catch up. Some had not met for many many years. There will be bursts of laughter and the warmth of kinship and friendship.  



Two weeks later the bride's family and close relatives grouped together and drove in a convoy of 8-9 cars to the man's side in Banting, Selangor. Even two month old baby Ruzain came to celebrate this day. It was a rather hot afternoon. Although we were quite bothered with the heat but that did not put us off. 

The uncle and father of the bride lead the way. The kompang was beating very loudly and it was deafening but we love it because we felt the importance of this occassion. 

Viola! Its a pair of pengantin! My new nephew in-law's sister also got married at almost the same time. So they all shared this moment together. Its so good that they did not mind to share the limelight with each other. And it is also good economy. 

My brother in-law is seen blessing all the pengantins. Yes, he has such good posture. 

My sister also blessed all the pengantins and kissed her daughter. 

Feasting time! There were lots of food and they tasted so good, so delicious that we forgot about the heat. Thankfully there was a fan whirling on top of our heads. Suffice to say that my new nephew in-law is of Javanese stock although his family has been living in Malaysia for generations. So that explained the tasty finger licking good food. Javanese food in Malaysia is very delicious although some can be a bit hot and spicy. We definitely enjoyed the feast.

And what is a wedding without the wedding cake? This is not a Malay tradition but borrowed from western culture. Anyway as the procedure goes, the pengantin will together cut the cake and will teasingly feed each other and then the cameras go crazy.

After the bertunang ceremony, the nikah,  the bersanding in Johor and the bersanding in Banting.....the parents of the bride will be able to finally relax and breathe normally..........

All the best to the newlyweds.......May you be happy and have a long meaningful relationship......

Tuesday 14 August 2012


I would have never dream of i) going to Cyprus and ii) giving a keynote address in an International Conference in Cyprus. And yet that was what happened in December 2011. There were a total of 5 keynote speakers and I was the speaker representing UiTM. Of course I am grateful to Allah Al  Mighty for this opportunity, it was such an honour and I personally thank Prof. Yusof Abbas as the conference head.

The title of the address is  Low Cost Housing Environment: Compromising Quality of Life. I will       insert some of the excerpts from the keynote address for this post. The full paper can be found in "Karim, H.A., Low Cost Housing Environment: Compromising Quality of Life?, Elsevier’s Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 35, 2012, Pages 44-53, ISSN 1877-0428.

Quality of Life in Housing Environment 

Findings from researches on the quality of low cost housing runs a familiar tune or similar trend where numerous complaints of dissatisfaction with the dilapidated condition of the buildings, the poor conditions of services, the recurrent problems of clogged drains and toilets, dull facade, poorly maintained lifts and playgrounds and others. Anyone would question the existence of QOL  for people who lived in this housing on a daily basis. Mackensen (1986) advocates that the physical environment as part of the material setting people live in, is both a condition and a consequence of the pattern of the social relations in an area’. As a `condition’ he meant that it allows for social contacts, or makes them difficult sometimes even impossible. As a consequence, the physical environment is being shaped partly by the patterns of social relations, their content, intensity and frequency.  On the other hand, Zapf (1984) had shown in Table 1 that there are 4 types of results that can be caused by the combination of objective living conditions and subjectivewell-being such as i)well-being ii) dissonance iii) adaptation and iv) deprivation.

The rich and wealthy that lived in luxurious accommodation and feel happy about it will            generally produce a sense of well-being. Those who lived in an unfortunate living condition yet have some perception of satisfaction has somehow adapted to that type of environment. This goes to show that `well-being’ is highly subjective that even when the living conditions are acceptable, there will be some people who will feel dissatisfied (dissonance).  On the other hand, there are people who will feel satisfied with their living conditions even though the conditions are quite inadequate (adaptation).

Housing Domains

[Figure 1 refused to be copied]

Figure 1 shows the four housing environment domains that exist in a city. The housing unit is within the other domains inside the city. Once the resident steps out of the house, he/she will encounter the neighbor and community domain, and then will continue to do their daily activities in the community facilities environment such the school, to the shops or others.

The relationship between these four domains produces the perception and the experience of the residents. A fresh and clean physical environment will produce satisfied residents. On the other hand, a responsible community will take care of their housing blocks where they have a  low tolerance level for dirty and unpleasant surroundings. And the whole setting result in the existence of quality of life which can be advantageous, deficient or just fair. Therefore, the housing environment is made up of several domains and the summation of satisfaction of  residents for each domain will make up for the overall quality of life.


There are four domains in the housing environment and it was found that the respondents in  Shah Alam were most satisfied with the community facilities domain. Shah Alam is planned as a new town provided with sufficient facilities for its residents regardless of their socio-economic background. The planning of the city of Shah Alam has taken into consideration the location and accessibility of the community facilities for each residential sections of the city. This planning concept is called the neighborhood concept. This shows that the physical planning aspect and the characteristic of the city play pivotal roles in contributing towards the QOL of the residents in Shah Alam. In second place is the family domain, third is the physical environment and lastly is the neighboring and community domain. It is a fact that the population of Shah Alam comprises mainly of migrants and they came from all over Malaysia even from Sabah and Sarawak. There are also foreigners and a large student’s population. Although the social domain in Shah Alam has the least score amongst the four domains but this does not mean that there is a social crisis brewing in Shah Alam.

Nevertheless, everyone wants to be happy with their life, their family, career and home but it is not possible to get everything in life. People with money have little difficulty in selecting the suitable    home to fit to their taste and preferences. Even then that might not necessarily make them happy. There is no limit to the list of things that we want in life that we believe can make us happy. Then again, referring back to the definitions and interpretations of happiness, happiness can occur for those who do not have many. Residents of a low cost flat may have their quality of life improved if  they have a bigger and more beautiful house than their own flat. Yet that perception is not true because as was found from their list of preferred values, many did not want to have a bigger house or have their own land instead they chose to have happiness, health and safety. They seem quite contented with their life, their home and their housing area. Their acceptance of their life is quite humbling.

Low cost flats are the standard form of housing the lower income people in Malaysia. Residents are hard working and proud of their family and home. They are a valuable asset to the country and towards nation building. They are the human resources that can be capitalized for the social capital in the country. The residents of the low cost flats should not be side-lined for a better living environment. There should not be any compromise on a better living condition for the lower income group in the low cost flats. Planning policies and design of low cost housing environment with quality of life in mind will create an environment that is comfortable for people to live in, safe and convenient.

Photos from the conference:

The five keynote speakers with the organizing leaders.

This group include the board members and the organizing committee.

Trying my best to be calm and collected.

Receiving a momento from Prof. Yusof Abbas

The Q&A session with all the Keynote speakers and Prof. Yusof as the chairperson.

Monday 30 July 2012

Memorable Time with International Friends in Bangkok 18 July 2012

I have seen the Grand Palace in Bangkok 3 times, in fact I was not that keen to go again BUT I thought I will be going this time with friends and new friends. That was what attracted me to go again. The effect of being with lots of friend gave me such good vibes and great energy that I felt so happy to be on this tour. Our co-host provided us with a double decker bus which is so great that we got a good view of the surroundings. 

Here I am with Dr. Jana. Dr. Faridah and Che Bon in the palace grounds.

The pictures show themselves. Such magnificent buildings, very intricate designs, so artful and so exotic looking.

The stupa looking building is said to be of Sri Lankan influence.

 From afar the walls looked like scales.

 But when you looked closely, the walls are intricate work of art, a labour of love for what the Thai people believed in.

 Below we were listening to the comical tourist guide, Mr. Max, he called himself Power Max. 

 I am not a fan of the demonic looking faces of these idols. I am actually quite scared of looking at them. But I took pictures of them anyway because these are considered very foreign to me and thus its another experience that I am willing to endure.

I am with the Egyptian ladies and they are all very intelligent, spritely, lovely and friendly ladies. 

The two enormous GIANTS guarding the doorway.

I love to take photos of flowers and if you looked carefully you will see the reflection of the stupa.

 After that tour is over we headed towards Maung Boran, or the Ancient Siam site where replicas of old, ancient temples and ruins were located. Since its already around lunch time we all had halal lunch.  The food was so delicious especially after the long walk we had in the Grand Palace grounds.

We all took the tram insidethe Maung Boran grounds and the tram was going so fast that my camera or my BB could not capture the temples nicely. But we stopped at this replica of the floating market where the Muslims can go for their prayers and also walked around the quaint little village surrounding the 'river'.

This is where we all took our ablution. There's a bubbling spring in the middle of the 'bowl'.

And surprisingly there's a small and clean surau here for the comfort and convenience of the Muslim visitors to pray. 

 Here is the replica of the ruins of Ayutthaya. 

 And a replica of a beautiful temple.

After the tour we all head back to Bangkok where we were given another wonderful dinner by the co-host. Its located at a halal restaurant. I was sitting with (from left) Nik Farhana, Dr. Wichitra (disguising in a scarf), myself and Zarina. One of the Thai dishes was a coconut milk soup which was so yummmmeeeee. 

"And now the end is near and so I face the final curtains......" That was what I hoped Dr. Nopadom was doing....singing BUT he was only giving a farewell speech which was so touching that it moved me almost to tears. The Thai counterparts are just so hospitable, so wonderful, so helpful, so so so........they are just the best!

I truly enjoyed the Bangkok conference and I just have to give a shout out.................. It was such a wonderful unforgettable experience in my life. THANK YOU DR. NOPADOM, DR. WICHITRA, SALT, TONY AND ALL THAI CREWS........................KANKUNKARR...........

The Sustainability of a Relocated Fishing Community in Kuala Kedah

Just would like to share with you this article about the sustainability of a relocated fishing village in Kuala Kedah, Malaysia. 

[To cite this article : Karim, H. A. & Idris, M. K. (2008), The Sustainability of a Relocated Fishing Community in Kuala Kedah,  9th   SENVAR + 2nd ISESEE 2008 Conference, FSPU, UiTM Shah Alam, 1-3 December 2008, ISBN 978-967-305-256-1]

The Sustainability of a Relocated Fishing Community in Kuala Kedah


Fishing constitutes a part of the agricultural sector of the nation’s economy. It contributes to the overall GDP although the portion is small. In 1998, the fisheries sector contributes about 1.62 percent of the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP) with total production amounted to 1.35 million tonnes valued at RM4.53 billion (Salehan Lamin 2001). In 2004 the fisheries landings of the country amounted to 1.51 million tonnes, with an estimated value of RM5.59 billion. Its contribution to GDP amounted to 1.73 percent (FAO, United Nations 2005).
            The work of the fishermen is very hard and dangerous yet these men continued their work because it is the only skill that they learnt from their forefathers. The monetary rewards of working as traditional fishermen are not lucrative unless they use commercial fishing vessels and employ the convenience of the satellite technology to locate the shoals of fish.  The inherited way of life of the traditional fishermen has been known to date from the early days of the Malay Archipelago. Therefore the fishing villages are in some ways reminders of the nostalgic past of the Malay people. Throughout the years, some of the fishing villages has undergone unplanned expansion that in many ways the village has transformed from an idyllic `postcard’ villages into dilapidated slums. This is due to the natural population increase of fishing community and also through the in-migration of legal and illegal immigrants. This expansion process occurred in some of the fishing villages in Kuala Kedah and that the haphazard growth of the fishing village creates an unhealthy environment for the community. The original fishing villages in Kuala Kedah are also prone to flooding during high tide and there had been incidents of fire breakouts. The state government of Kedah had decided to restructure the scattered growth of the fishing villages and build new resettlement areas near to the original fishing villages. The intention is not only to relocate the fishing community but also to redevelop the coastal area with modern projects and infrastructure.

Table 1: The employment figures on fishermen in Kedah and Malaysia
Employment Information   
Employed citizens in all types of occupation
Percentage of employed citizens in Malaysia
Percentage of fishermen according to the total employed citizens
Percentage of Malay fishermen
Percentage of Chinese fishermen
Percentage of Indian fishermen
Percentage of other ethnic fishermen
Number of fishermen in Kedah and Malaysia
Percentage of fishermen in Malaysia
            Source: Malaysian Population Census, Statistic Department of Malaysia, 2000
            Table 1 show the percentage of fishermen in Malaysia is only 1.19 percent and that in Kedah are only 1.73 percent. Yet the fishermen in Kedah constitute almost 10 percent of all the fishermen in Malaysia. The majority of fishermen in Kedah are Malays (91.3%), while the Chinese and Indian fishermen are only 8 percent and 0.2 percent respectively.


            Sustainability is about the conservation and protection of the environment and that any development must not in any way destroy the environment that we live in. According to the World Commission of Environment and Development (WCED) (1987), sustainable development is one that meets the needs the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Many years ago many people were unaware of the consequences of ignoring the sustainable issue but now every development must take into account the effect of development on the sustainability of the human habitat and the natural environment. Bowers (1997) said that sustainability means constraining human economic activity so as to protect the life-support systems. Sustainable development is then economic development or growth subject to constraints such as requiring substantial changes of life-styles away from resource-intensive consumption within developed countries. Similarly, the Third World countries must also divert away from the high resource using and the high polluting patterns of the West. The changed way of life is focusing on using only what we need and not encouraging wastage. By doing this less energy will be utilised and more time given to replenish the renewable resources. According to Munro (1995) development is any activity or process that increase the human capacity or the environment capacity towards fulfilling the needs of the people or to improve the quality of their lives.
            Sustainable communities are cities and towns that prosper because people work together to produce a high quality of life that they want to sustain and constantly improve. They are communities that flourish because they build a mutually supportive, dynamic balance between social well-being, economic opportunity, and environmental quality (PCSD 1997). Community is known as a group of people who may or may not live in the same locality but for this study the concept of community is rooted in the locally based activities which intertwined with the daily lives of the people in the community to give a sense of a local network of mutual support. The locality is the place or the neighbourhood that provide the locus for the community. Principles of sustainability can be applied to the neighbourhood to make it self-sustaining and stimulating living environments. There are always potentials and possibilities that a planned community becoming sustainable communities by applying the principles of sustainability in its neighbourhood. Achieving it relies on concerted effort from a plethora of agencies - public, private, voluntary and community sectors (Barton 2000). Sustainability has been popularly described as the cooperation between three domains; the social, the economic and the environment. Therefore this study will look into the well-being of the community and the opportunity of economic development as well as the safety and health issues of the physical environment.
            The conceptual framework flowchart in Figure 1 shows the life conditions of the traditional fisherman are normally associated with poverty and the lack of opportunities for self development. The work of the traditional fisherman does not need any educational qualifications although secondary school education is sufficient for the modern fishing industry. They normally have limited skills and lack of education qualifications. On the housing aspect, the traditional homes of fisherman are confined in the crowded fishing villages where in some cases the environment is considered unhealthy and unsafe.

[so sorry the flowchart refused to be copied, anyone interested please email me at]

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework Flowchart

Relocation exercises carried out by the local government are meant to improve living conditions by providing planned housing neighbourhoods. Although these neighbourhoods provide a healthier and safer surroundings with modern infrastructure and utilities, the community cannot escape the social responsibility of keeping their homes and surroundings clean and safe. Concerted efforts by the local government and the local community can eventually create a sustainable community.      


            The sustainability of the relocated fishing community will be approached through qualitative methods such as through observations, informal and formal interviews. A sample of 70 households was selected through stratified random sampling where the study area was divided into seven zones and ten samples were randomly selected from each zones. The questionnaire were used to interview the head of households regarding the perceptions of satisfaction, comfort, usage, conditions on the following domains such as social, economic and the physical environment.
            The subjective indicators were measured by the Likert scale of one to five. The least value denotes the most negative perception and the highest values denotes the most positive perception for example value 1 equals very bad, most uncomfortable, very far, while value 5 equals very good, most comfortable and very near. The qualitative approach in this study requires qualitative assessment which will take into account the consensus of the respondents. This means that the highest percentage for any of the value ranging from one to five will be accepted as the consensus. Therefore the consensus for each indicator in one domain will be accumulated and the total will show the level of overall qualitative assessment of each domain.

Table 2: Examples of Subjective Indicators

Measures of
Physical Environment
Adequate space for
family activities
Friendly neighbours
Community activities
Household belongings

Clean surroundings
Clean air
Clean water
Trees and shrubs
Friends nearby
Relatives nearby
Helpful neighbours
Jetty nearby
Planting fruit trees
and vegetables nearby
Access to utilities
Access to facilities
Usage of facilities
Sense of security
Community surveillance
Stable income
Lack of criminal activities
Family’s health
Education attainment
Family’s economy

Image of the area
Availability of utilities
and facilities

4.         THE STUDY AREA

            The new settlement is located in Kuala Kedah near to the old fishing village (and jetty) which can be accessed by boat (500 meters) and by road (4 kilometers). The new settlement which is 65 square acres, named Taman Kota Nelayan is only one kilometer from the Kuala Kedah town and ten kilometers from Alor Star, the state capital. The planned housing area provided 700 units of housing lots with dimensions of 60 feet by 40 feet. On these plots of land were built free-standing housing units to house the relocated fishermen and their families who came from two fishing villages. The house is rather small but they are given the remaining land in their housing lots to plant vegetables and fruit trees for their own consumption. The housing area is planned rather monotonously with rows of plots of land with houses but there is a system of roads, drainage, water supply and electricity. The area is also provided with three community halls, a mosque, kindergarten (part of the mosque), children playground, four units of shops, five public telephones and four community garbage disposal bins. Schools are located in neighbouring housing schemes and are accessible by private transportation. Table 3 shows the comparison of physical characteristics and the availability of facilities between the original fishing village and the new housing area.
After moving into the new relocated area, the residents enjoyed a lot of advantages in terms of provision of utilities, infrastructure and facilities that they could not enjoy before. The only one convenience that they still lack is the lack of bus service which is considered a very important service to the housing area. The residents are from the low income group and even if they own a car, it cannot accommodate the schedule of every member of the family. Other than the lack of bus service, Table 3 gives a strong indication that the relocation programme is very beneficial to the well-being of the fishing community.

 Table 3 :  The physical characteristics and available facilities
Physical   Characteristics/Facilities
Original  Fishing Village
New Relocated Area
Beneficial for residents
Location of villages
Pattern of housing
Planned housing layout
Road system
Footpaths only
System of access roads
Drainage system
Oil lamps and electricity
Piped Water
Sewage system
Community Hall
3 units
Outside the village
Children playground
Outside the village
Outside the village
4 units
Public telephone
Outside the village
6 units
Public bus service
Garbage disposal
6 communal garbage bins



            According to the Kota Setar Local Plan (2005) there are 3850 people living in Taman Kota Nelayan and all of them are Malays. The main occupation and economy of the community is fishing. The largest percentage of head of household is more than 56 years of age (47%), the second largest is between 46 to 55 years (19%) and the third largest is between 36 to 45 years (11%). The percentage of fishermen who never went to school is 20 percent while those with only a primary school education are 56 percent. The rest had a secondary school education. The average number of people in a household is 5.3 people.
            The average income of the fishermen is about RM500 to RM550 a month which is below the poverty line index for Malaysia (RM691). The gross income of the fishermen depends on the value of the catch and the average catch of fish would fetch around RM30. A big one would fetch RM70 to RM100 but this type of catch occurs only about three times a month depending on the availability of prawns in the catch. After the relocation, all of the relocated fishermen continued working as fishermen with 75 percent working on their own using the motor powered small fishing boats and 25 percent working for Chinese tekong(boss) who use large fishing vessels. The normal working schedule is going out to sea between four to six days a week but with the increase in diesel petrol, these fishermen can only afford to go four days a week. The price of diesel petrol per working day before the hike was RM15 but now is RM30. Therefore the fishermen have to limit the numbers of working days to avoid wastage. Sixty-one percent of the respondents own a motorcycle while 21 percent own cars. 


            The findings will be presented in the three groupings of the social, economic and physical environment domain. Each domain comprise of indicators that refer to a certain category such as the condition of housing which in turn is comprised of several sub-indicators including the condition of kitchen, the condition of toilets, the condition of bedroom and the condition of the living room. The summation of the values given to all the sub-indicators will eventually give the score to each indicator.

6.1              Social Domain
There are several indicators chosen in this domain such as; family conditions, neighbour relations, community interactions, level of family and community’s health, perceptions of the house, the level of education and the aspect of social problems (Please refer to Table 4). The respondents had given a `Good’ rating to their `family condition’, neighbour relations, community interaction and, level of family and community’s health. Contributing factors to the family conditions include the perceptions of comfort of the family living in the housing unit, the convenience of accessibility in their daily lives and the safety of their family. Neighbour relations also receive a `Good’ rating because the community have good interactions and share common activities. They have a lot in common; they share the same socio-economic characteristics and almost the same social and economic problems.
The overall community interaction is also good due to community cohesion and a local network of mutual support. The respondents are also happy with the overall health level of their family and community. The provision of drainage system, sewerage system and proper garbage disposal site contributed to this positive perception. Furthermore the respondents used to live in a dilapidated and slum-like fishing village and moving into a planned housing area had been a great improvement in their lives. Regarding with the condition of the house and the level of education, the respondents feel only satisfactory. The lowest score in the social domain is the aspect of social problems because there are incidents of drug abuse amongst the teenagers, fights and incidents of theft.

Table 4 : The Scores for the Social Domain

Social Domain
Family condition


Neighbour relations


Housing condition


Community interaction


Resident’s level of education


Level of health


Lack of crimes and social problems




Note: 1=Bad 2= Unsatisfactory 3=Satisfactory 4=Good 5= Very good
The (x) marks the consensus of the community’s perceptions or the community’s opinions

6.2              Phsical Environment Domain
The physical environment of the housing area includes the man-made surroundings such as the provisions of infrastructure and utilities (Please refer to Table 3). Table 5 shows the ratings given by the respondents regarding the indicators selected in this domain.
Table 5 :   The Scores for the Environmental Domain
Environmental Domain
Cleanliness of housing area




Community facilities


Children playground




Infrastructure and utility



Accessibility to neighbouring areas


Note: 1=Bad 2= Unsatisfactory 3=Satisfactory 4=Good 5= Very good
The (x) marks the consensus of the community’s perceptions or the community’s opinions


In this domain, respondents gave a `Good’ rating to the provision of facilities, utilities and infrastructure (although the children playground need to be improved), the cleanliness and the lack of pollution in the area. There is a need for more police patrols and additional roads that connect to neighbouring areas. The least rating for this domain is the lack of public transportation which makes mobility very difficult for the residents. The lack of public transport is intolerable because the community lack the affordability of owning private transportation.

6.3              Economic Domain
The main employment sector in this community is the traditional fishing sector which does not contribute highly to the income of the community. The economic domain receive the worst rating because the respondents are very unhappy with their income and also unhappy with the other three elements; marketing efforts, application of modern technology, work opportunities and making side-income. Apart from fishing, the fishermen and their family do not supplement their income by doing any small businesses because they do not have extra funds. The lack of educational attainment also hinders their exposures to modern technology and the application in their fishing techniques. Furthermore the economic constraints also add to the difficulty in acquiring any modern technological gadgets. All this add up to their economic constraints. Thus the findings show that the community needs to do something about their economic situation because this is the most important aspect in maintaining sustainability.

                                      Table 6 :    The Scores for the Economic Domain

Economic Domain
Monthly income

Marketing efforts


Application of modern technology


Opportunities and side-income


Note: 1=Bad 2= Unsatisfactory 3=Satisfactory 4=Good 5= Very good
The (x) marks the consensus of the community’s perceptions or the community’s opinions

6.4              The Overall Findings
The three domains discussed earlier do not directly measure the sustainability of the fishing community but indirectly measure the proxies of sustainability such the satisfaction of the respondents towards the three domains that make up the well-being of the community. Table 6 covers the total scores for the perceptions of well-being of the community and it shows that the relocated fisherman community scored well even though there are problems within the economic domain. The relocation of the fishing community has to some extent influence the perceptions of well-being and that the community is mostly satisfied with their social and physical environmental domain.

Table 7: The total scores for the perceptions of the well-being (and sustainability) of the                 community

Well-Being Domains
Social Domain
Environmental Domain
Economic Domain
Overall Total
Note: 1=Bad 2= Unsatisfactory 3=Satisfactory 4=Good 5= Very good

The study also surveyed the opinions of the fishermen regarding the social values that they feel strongly about and found that the top three values chosen by the majority of the respondents are monetary related; (i) having enough money (93%) (ii) owning a car (74%) and (iii) earning a high salary (73%).These percentages probably show that the fishermen would be happier if they have more money, a car and a high salary which could actually help them improve their capabilities to increase their income for example; helping to start a small business. The findings from the survey had shown that there is a problem of sustaining the economic domain in the fishing community and there is an urgent need to solve this problem.

7.         CONCLUSION

            The study of the relocated fishing community had shown that there are some characteristics of social sustainability but it also shows the characteristics of economic decline. Fishing as an occupation that is not sustainable if it is carried out using traditional methods like using the small boats and traditional fishing gears. Additional problem to the fishermen is the increase in price of diesel to run the motors and that the price of the fish is controlled even when the price of diesel has increased. The LKIM (Malaysian Board of Development for Fisheries) has recognized this problem and has given subsidies in the form of diesel for the fishermen but this will not help the fishermen in the long run. The Board has to create management and business cooperation for the fishermen to learn of the new methods of fishing and to group their manpower, skills and funds so that they can maximize productivity. This idea has been carried out by the settlers of FELDA (Federal Land Development Authority) where they create a cooperative for their business ventures and has proven to be successful. The fishermen can also learn about value added methods to the processed marine-based food from MARDI (Malaysian Agriculture Research and Development Institute). The fishing community can also benefit from learning about the water conservation and harnessing the rain water for local use. Another way of useful knowledge would be the harnessing of solar power that can also be beneficial to the community. Government agencies can be roped in to help the plight of the fishermen so that their community can be sustainable economically and environmentally. And also by helping the fishermen in Kedah we are actually fighting poverty, and confronting the economic imbalance and inequity that exist in Malaysia. This paper has achieved the main objectives of the study whereby the findings has shown that the relocation programme are able to help the fishing community to be socially and physically sustainable but they need more help from the authorities to sustain their economic conditions.

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