Friday 27 July 2012

The Conference: AcEBs Bangkok 2012

Monday 16 July 2012

The morning session started with the registration of participants and here is the the committee in charge of registration. Roslinda, Hassan, Nehzat, Ridwan, Fahmee and Nik Farhana.  

After the registration, we sat down to hear the three keynote speeches. 1. Prof. Emer. Dr. Aleya Abdel Hadi from Egypt, 2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jamalunlaili Abdullah from Malaysia and 3. Prof. Dr. Vimolsiddhi Horayangkura from Thailand. This is the main hall and I took the photo very early before the participants came in.

There were tea/coffee breaks and fresh fruits were always served lavishly. There were pineapples, papayas, rock melons, water guava........

 Also, there were watermelons and more pineapples.......mmmmmmmm yummy........

After keynote addresses, the conference were divided into 3 parallel sessions because the conference had to accommodate 100 paper presenters.

The Conference Dinner   
After conference we were invited to the conference dinner and delegates were encouraged to wear their national costumes. It started with the welcoming speeches, three in all. 

The turnout was very good. The food was delicious, there was a show of local Thai dances and a live band.

As I am a Board Member, I was given a token by the conference committee and I particularly like this floral arrangements of jasmine and other flowers.

Young, beautiful and graceful dancers.Who can blame the men for watching these mesmerizing dancers without batting their eyes?

I was happy to meet new friends from Indonesia.

The committee members from Malaysia and Thailand singing a song together.

With my room-mate, Che Bon.

The conference dinner was fun and very enjoyable. We had impromptu singers from both camps. And it was a good stress reliever for all.

 Tuesday 17 July 2012

The second day of the conference saw me as a chairperson for the 11 am session, the one after the coffee break. This is Kamolporn 1&2 room and there were 6 paper presenters.

Below is the presentation by Dr. Jana Spilkova from Czechia on "Lifestyle Changes and Risk Behaviour in Czech Teenagers". 

This presenter is from the University Islam Malaysia.

 The lady in the pink scarf, Roslinda is presenting her paper on "Newly Built Public PaediatricWwards Increases Government Expenditure on Healthcare".

The Q&A session grouped all the presenters in front of the room and each presenters had a chance of getting questions from the floor. 

In the afternoon session I eagerly waited to hear from the Egyptian participants titled "Change of Local Culture After the 25th Revolution and its Imoact on Environmental Awareness".

As the normal practice goes, the Q&A session was monitored by the Chairperson, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Shenglin Elijah Chang (Taiwan)

Finally after 2 days of conferencing, 3 keynote speeches, 100 paper presenters, 4 scrumtious tea/coffee breaks, 2 wonderful lunches and one enjoyable dinner, the Dean of Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying, UiTM Shah Alam, Malaysia announced the conference officially closed. 

The conference was a success due to the hardwork of the committee members from Malaysia and Thailand especially the hard work of Prof. Dr. Mohd Yusof Abbas, UiTM and Dr. Nopadom from KMITL, Bangkok. As a participant I am fully satisfied with the running of the conference and I extend my congratulations to all committee members involved. 


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