Thursday 14 June 2012

Busier and busier

Do my students ever wonder what I do during the free slots in my time table? Well, like yesterday, I have the whole day free of lectures SO I made an appointment with DEMC to have a blood test done. After fasting since 10 pm the night before I had my blood drawn at 9 am yesterday. After waiting for one hour I met with Dr. Rahman to tell me if there's any problems. YES, he saw that I have three problems but it can be managed and controlled, I hope and pray. And then he decided for a urine check. That takes up another hour. And again YES there's a problem. I need to be on antibiotics. After settling the payment and collecting the medicines I rushed to the office because I have an appointment with my Phd student. And after an hour's discussion with Hidayah, I have another discussion with my Master's student Wan Husna. All this finished at 1 pm. Rushing to the office computer, I did some work (actually 5 different different work, 4 different emails and 1 official letter). I keep glancing at the clock because I need to stop and do my Zohor prayers, eat something and then at 2.30pm I have to go to a briefing about uploading my conference papers into MPRA and Actually I am also supposed to go and listen to a Nobel Laureate Prof. Ferid Murad's talk on how to write a winning research grant at the De Palma Hotel at the very same afternoon. THUS it was a tough decision to make BUT decided that I want to support my colleague Dr. Nasharuddin who took up this initiative helping his friends and colleagues to share our research work, findings and ideas worldwide. Good job Dr. Nash. Should have taken your photo yesterday. So there we were about 14 people in the computer lab. It was a fruitful experience and I enjoyed the session thoroughly. So that's a glimpse of one of the many busy days that I experience almost everyday. To write this blog I took some time from my lunch break and also a break from the many things to do on my waiting list. Like what the kids nowadays say, "Caiyok, caiyok!". I think it means, "Go, Go, you can do it!".   <(^o^)/

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