Tuesday 26 June 2012



Dr. Sabarinah and I did not take the UiTM bus, instead Dr. Sab drove her Honda Hybrid from the Faculty. I accompanied her and it was fun because I don't have to drive. Ever since the accident on the North-South Highway, I really do not like driving long distance much. We reached the resort about 12.30pm. We had a buffet lunch and then we checked into the 3 room apartment.
The rest of the group reached the resort around 1.30 pm. The participants comprises of post-graduates supervisors and the post-graduate students by research. There were also the secretariat and crews made up of administrative staffs and some students. The resort looks very pleasant, welcoming and relaxing. 

There are lots of coconut trees. Looks like its somewhere in Hawaii. 

And there are two swimming pools, one for children and the bigger one for adults. Looks so inviting right. I am just too shy to wear my full length swimming suit with so many of my male colleagues around so................sigh.............

The program started right away around 3pm with Prof. Dr. Abdul Hadi Awang giving and intoduction to the importance of the program. 

Prof. Hadi is such a good speaker. His command of English is very good. He is the one of the 3 Vice Deans in FSPU. After his Introduction we heard from Dr. Zulhabri from RMI about the role of RMI (Research Management Institute). 

Later that night after dinner the Dean of FSPU gave his opening speech

My good friend Dr. Sabarinah who is currently serving in RMI is  the most important speaker for this programme. She gave a wonderful presentation about the abundance of research grant opportunities. Dr. Sab and Dr. Roshana are both staying in the same apartment with me. 

Basically the Faculty has about 6 Centres of Excellence and one of them is headed by Prof. Dr. Mohd. Yusof Abbas. Its called the Centre of Environmental Behaviour Studies (CEBS). I have been with the centre since 2009 and have been actively involved earlier as a committee member for its conferences and later as a board member of the International Scientific Committee (ISC) of Editors for conference proceedings and its journals.


 The above photos showed the parallel session for the CEBS group. We can see that Prof. Yusof is passionate about his centre. He is explaining what the centre has done and finally each participants must submit one abstract for the Cairo Conference in October 2012. 

These are 3 of my 5 post-grad students by research. Helmi, Hidayah and Diyanah. Helmi and Diyanah are both Masters by research students while Hidayah is doing her Phd research.

I am with my good friend Dr.Norhati. She is also a board member of the ISC for Prof. Yusof CEBS conferences. 

SO this is the MOST important person in this programme. Without her this activity could not work. Dr. Roshana Takim taking a break after the afternoon session. You deserve the break dear. You worked so hard. 

How I wish I am in the pool with her. She's enjoying her float there. 
While we were relaxing after the sessions, I found that the front door knob of the apartment did not work. I cannot open the front door. I called out to Dr. Azman who stayed in the next apartment and he tried to help but there is just no screwdriver around. Anyway, Thanks for trying. 

The next morning we had our last session. How to attract more post-graduates to study in our Faculty? We had a good session. It was a very productive discussion. And there were Dr. Norhati and Dr. Faridah sitting at the back row behind me. 

The programme ended with a renewed and recharged feeling of determination. Caiyok, caiyok.

Before leaving for Shah Alam I took a photo with Nehzat, an Iranian post grad student.

Good-bye Ilham Resort, good-bye, sea, good-bye coconut trees and monkeys too. 


Conclusion: All my post-grad students by research must submit an abstract for the Cairo Conference and also fill in at least 1 research grant application. My job is to do the editing and amending and continue to guide them in the best possible way. 

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